Five Essential Things To Include In Your Will For Your Furry Friends

Law Blog

If you own a pet, it's a good idea to ensure your furry companion is well taken care of even after you are no longer around. One way to guarantee their future security and well-being is by including them in your will. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can rest assured that your pets will be in good hands when you are no longer able to care for them. Read on to learn more.

Designate a Caregiver

The caregiver you choose should be someone you trust to provide loving and responsible care for your pets if something were to happen to you. Make sure to discuss this decision with the potential caregiver beforehand to ensure that they are willing and able to take on this responsibility. It is also a good idea to name an alternate caregiver in case your first choice is unable to care for your pets.

Create a Pet Trust

A pet trust is a legal arrangement that provides for the care and maintenance of your pets after your passing. You can specify how the funds in the trust should be used, such as for veterinary care, food, grooming and other necessary expenses. By creating a pet trust, you can ensure that your pets will receive the care they need without placing a financial burden on their caregiver.

Provide Detailed Care Instructions

When including your pets in your will, be sure to provide detailed care instructions for their caregiver. This should include information about your pets' daily routines, dietary needs, medical histories and any medications they may require. You may also want to include the contact information for your pets' veterinarian and any special preferences or quirks that your pets have.

Make Financial Provisions

In addition to setting up a pet trust, consider making financial provisions for your pets in your will. This could include a lump sum of money to cover immediate expenses, such as veterinary care or supplies, as well as ongoing financial support for their future care. Be sure to work with an estate planning attorney to ensure that the funds are properly allocated and that your pets' needs will be met in the years to come.

Update Your Will Regularly

If you acquire new pets, change caregivers or experience any other significant life events, make sure to amend your will accordingly. By keeping your will up to date, you can ensure that your pets are always provided for in the event of your passing.

Contact a law office like Biddulph & Turley to learn more. 


29 February 2024

Knowing when to appeal

When you have worked with prisoners, you hear a lot of crazy stories. Sometimes people are innocent and sometimes they are guilty, but a lot of the time they don't get a fair sentence. It can be a good idea to lodge an appeal if you have some new evidence or even if you didn't get treated fairly through the initial process. It can be a long process to lodge an appeal but can be very worthwhile if you can shave some time off a sentence. This blog explains how the process of appealing a conviction goes and what you can do as a prisoner to help the process succeed.